eb Creative

Sweat and tears is what establishing this website took (no blood fled) but now I'm proud to present you a platform dedicated to creativity and knowledge! Being creative can enrich people in many ways. It can enable you to learn new techniques. Your work can be entertaining for your audience (which can be very fulfilling). Being creative can even change the way you see the world! For a long time I thought creativity is something you cannot learn. And, up to a certain extent this is true. On the other hand: if you don't master your tools it is very hard to be creative.

For the moment this site contains photo galleries, videos and tutorials. I want to incorporate film photography too, but until that has been done you can find it here.

You'll find everything in the menu-bar at the top of the page. If you have any questions, remark or good advice: drop me a not using the social media buttons at the bottom. My most recent video on a photo walk in Perugia, Italy

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